Azure Engagement System API - Implementation Template

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Developer guide

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

web-engagement-request-mappingProvides mappings to transform from input request to target NoSQL document data format.
webengagement-response-mappingProvides mappings to transform from NoSQL document to API specification response data format.


Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/build-query-web-engagement.dwl

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/ping-check-get-dependency-response.dwl

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/query-test-db.json.dwl

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Provides mappings to transform from input request to target NoSQL document data format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/web-engagement-request-mapping.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps input request to Azure web engagement data format

Source SystemAzureDescription
idindividualIdThe unique individualId.
individualIdindividualIdId of the patient user account.
emailAddressemailAddressThe email Id of the patient user account.
sessionIdsessionIdThe unique number assigned to the user's session for the duration of the visit.
pageViewspageViewsThe number of times the page is viewed.
averageTimeonPageaverageTimeonPageThe average time spent on page.
memberNamememberNameThe name of the patient.
contentNamecontentNameThe name of the content or page that the patient visited on the websit.
contentTypecontentTypeThe type of the content or page that the patient visited on the website. E.g article or video.
lastVisitedDatelastVisitedDateThe count of a website's total page views divided by the total number of sessions that have taken place.
lastModifiedDatelastModifiedDateThe average duration of the session in seconds.
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateThe Created date.
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByCreatedBy user.
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateThe updated date.
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByThe name of user updated.
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedDefault to false.

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Provides mappings to transform from NoSQL document to API specification response data format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/webengagement-response-mapping.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Azure Cosmos DB NoSQL Json document to api specification response data format

AzureTarget SystemDescription
individualIdindividualIdId of the patient user account.
emailAddressemailAddressThe email Id of the patient user account.
sessionIdsessionIdThe unique number assigned to the user's session for the duration of the visit.
pageViewspageViewsThe number of times the page is viewed.
averageTimeonPageaverageTimeonPageThe average time spent on page.
memberNamememberNameThe name of the patient.
contentNamecontentNameThe name of the content or page that the patient visited on the websit.
contentTypecontentTypeThe type of the content or page that the patient visited on the website. E.g article or video.
lastVisitedDatelastVisitedDateThe count of a website's total page views divided by the total number of sessions that have taken place.
lastModifiedDatelastModifiedDateThe average duration of the session in seconds.
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateThe Created date.
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByCreatedBy user.
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateThe updated date.
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByThe name of user updated.
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedDefault to false.

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onOct 12, 2023
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